C++ papers, books and other publications
Boost Application Development Cookbook
Second Edition
If you want to take advantage of the real power of Boost and C++, avoid the confusion about which library to use in which situation, then this book is for you.
Be sure that knowledge from this book won’t get outdated, as more and more Boost libraries become part of the C++ Standard.

C++ Language and Library Proposals
Accepted, Declined and in Progress:
Papers on making the C++ Standard better where I'm the author or coauthor. Those are discussed in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 and slowly becomming part of the C++17/C++20/...

- ⌛ D3006R0: Launder less
- ⌛ P2141R1: Aggregates are named tuples
- ❌ P2370R2: Stacktrace from exception
- ♻ P2370R1: Stacktrace from exception
- ♻ P2370R0: Stacktrace from exception
- ✔ P0881R7: Stacktrace (wording)
- ♻ P0881R6: Stacktrace (wording)
- ♻ P2141R0: Aggregates are named tuples
- ⌛ P2004R0: Numbers and their Scopes
- ⌛ P0539R5: wide_integer
- ❌ P1990R1: Add operator[] and data() to std::initializer_list
- ⌛ P1944R1: Add Constexpr Modifiers to Functions in <cstring> and <cwchar> Headers
- ⌛ P1890R0: C++ Numerics Work In Progress Issues
- ⌛ P1889R1: C++ Numerics Work In Progress
- ♻ P1944R0: Add Constexpr Modifiers to Functions in <cstring> and <cwchar> Headers
- ♻ P1990R0: Add operator[] and data() to std::initializer_list
- ♻ P1889R0: C++ Numerics Work In Progress
- ❌ P1485R1: Better keywords for Coroutines (without the co_ prefix)
- ❌ P1406R1: Hash for tuple, pair and array
- ✔ P1424R1: Feature testing macro and constexpr additions
- ♻ P0881R5: Stacktrace (wording)
- ♻ P0881R4: Stacktrace (wording)
- ♻ P1485R0: Better keywords for Coroutines (without the co_ prefix)
- ♻ P0652R1: Concurrent associative data structure with unsynchronized view
- ♻ P1406R0: Hashing for containers and pair/tuple
- ♻ P1424R0: Feature testing macro and constexpr additions
- ♻ P0881R3: Stacktrace (wording)
- ♻ P0880R2: Numbers interaction
- ♻ P0889R1: Ultimate copy elision (addressing problems of year 1995)
- ♻ P0652R1: Concurrent associative data structure with unsynchronized view
- ✔ P1032R1: Misc constexpr bits
- ❌ P0275R4: DLL proposal
- ⌛ P1149R0: Constexpr regex
- ♻ P0881R2: Stacktrace wording
- ❌ P1201R0: Variant direct comparisons
- ♻ P0539R4: wide_integer
- ✔ P0881R1: Stacktrace
- ♻ P0880R1: Numbers interaction
- ♻ P1032R0: Misc constexpr bits
- ♻ P0881R0: Stacktrace
- ♻ P0889R0: Ultimate copy elision
- ❌ ✔ D0890R0: Safe range based for
- ♻ P0275R3: DLL proposal
- ♻ P0880R0: Numbers interaction
- ♻ P0878R0: Subobjects copy elision
- ✔ P0879R0: Constexpr swap and swapping algorithms
- ♻ P0539R3: Wide Int
- ✔ P0858R0: Constexpr iterator categories
- ✔ P0415R1: Constexpr for std::complex
- ✔ P0202R3: Constexpr non swapping algorithms
- ♻ P0539R2: Wide Int
- ♻ P0275R2: DLL proposal
- ♻ P0652R0: Concurrent associative data structure with unsynchronized view
- ♻ P0539R1: Wide Int
- ✔ P0639R0: Changing attack vector of the constexpr_vector
- ♻ P0539R0: Wide Int
- ✔ P0426R1: Constexpr for std::char_traits
- ♻ P0426R0: Constexpr for std::char_traits
- ♻ P0415R0: Constexpr for std::complex
- ♻ P0275R1: DLL proposal
- ♻ P0275R0: DLL proposal
- ❌ P0276R0: Attribute [[visible]]
- ♻ P0202R2: Constexpr algorithm
- ♻ P0202R1: Constexpr Modifiers for <algorithm> and <utility>
- ♻ P0202R0: Constexpr Modifiers for <algorithm> and <cstring>
- ✔ P0031R0: Add Constexpr Modifiers to reverse_iterator, move_iterator, array and Range Access
Boost Application Development Cookbook
First Edition
Beginning with the basics of Boost C++, you will move on to learn how the Boost libraries simplify application development. You will learn to convert data such as string to numbers, numbers to string, numbers to numbers and more. Managing resources will become a piece of cake. You’ll see what kind of work can be done at compile time and what Boost containers can do. You will learn everything for the development of high quality fast and portable applications. Write a program once and then you can use it on Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android operating systems. From manipulating images to graphs, directories, timers, files, networking – everyone will find an interesting topic.

Habr publications
Currently available on Russian language only
Habr is a Russian popular site for IT related articles with over 8 000 000 visitors per month.
- С++23 — итоги февральской встречи международного комитета
- Анатомия асинхронных фреймворков в С++ и других языках
- С++23 — feature freeze близко
- С++23 WIP: онлайн-встреча международного комитета по C++
- Прочти меня: код, который не выбесит соседа
- С++23: международный стандарт на удалёнке
- Работа с файлами в C++ с использованием Boost
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- Сотрудники Яндекса будут представлять Россию в комитете по стандартизации C++
- Онлайн-компиляция на статическом сайте, рецепт для начинающих
- Администрирование глазами C++ программиста
- Web-технологии глазами С++ программиста
- C++ трюки и советы из Boost на каждый день
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- Спецификатор времени компиляции noexcept в C++11