Add more std::hash specializations

New Proposal,

Alexander Zaitsev (Solarwinds)
Antony Polukhin (Yandex Taxi)
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++


In Standard library we already have std::hash specializations for some classes like std::string. Unfortunately, we have no specializations for a lot of other classes from Standard Library like std::vector, std::array, etc. At the moment people who need hash calucations for such containers must use Boost.Hash functions or write std::hash specialization manually. This proposal adds std::hash specializations for different containers from Standard Library. Addresses an issue LWG #1025.

1. Design decisions

2. Proposed wording

Add a new Section "19.4.6, Hash support [pair.hash]", with following content:

template<typename A, typename B> 
  struct hash<pair<A, B>>;

Enabled if specializations hash<remove_const_t<A>> and hash<remove_const_t<B>> are both enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Let PAIR denote a pair type, x denote a value of type PAIR. For enabled specialization hash<PAIR> the following holds: hash<PAIR>{}(x) == hash<decltype(tuple{x})>{}(x).

Add a new Section ", Hash support [tuple.hash]", with following content:

template<typename... T> 
  struct hash<tuple<T...>>;

Enabled if specialization hash<remove_const_t<U>> is enabled for every template argument U in the parameter pack, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new Section ", Hash support [array.hash]", with following content:

template<typename T, std::size_t N> 
  struct hash<array<T, N>>;

Enabled if specialization hash<remove_const_t<T>> is enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new Section ", Hash support [deque.hash]", with following content:

template<typename T, typename Allocator> 
  struct hash<deque<T, Allocator>>;

Enabled if specialization hash<remove_const_t<T>> is enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new Section ", Hash support [forward_list.hash]", with following content:

template<typename T, typename Allocator> 
  struct hash<forward_list<T, Allocator>>;

Enabled if specialization hash<remove_const_t<T>> is enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new Section ", Hash support [list.hash]", with following content:

template<typename T, typename Allocator> 
  struct hash<list<T, Allocator>>;

Enabled if specialization hash<remove_const_t<T>> is enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new Section ", Hash support [vector.hash]", with following content:

template<typename T, typename Allocator> 
  struct hash<vector<T, Allocator>>;

Enabled if specialization hash<remove_const_t<T>> is enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new Section ", Hash support [map.hash]", with following content:

template<typename Key, typename T, typename Compare, typename Allocator> 
  struct hash<map<Key, T, Compare, Allocator>>;

Enabled if specialization if specializations hash<remove_const_t<Key>> and hash<remove_const_t<T>> are both enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new Section ", Hash support [multimap.hash]", with following content:

template<typename Key, typename T, typename Compare, typename Allocator> 
  struct hash<multimap<Key, T, Compare, Allocator>>;

Enabled if specialization if specializations hash<remove_const_t<Key>> and hash<remove_const_t<T>> are both enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new Section ", Hash support [set.hash]", with following content:

template<typename Key, typename Compare, typename Allocator> 
  struct hash<set<Key, Compare, Allocator>>;

Enabled if specialization if specializations hash<remove_const_t<Key>> is enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new Section ", Hash support [multiset.hash]", with following content:

template<typename Key, typename Compare, typename Allocator> 
  struct hash<multiset<Key, Compare, Allocator>>;

Enabled if specialization if specializations hash<remove_const_t<Key>> is enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new Section ", Hash support [valarray.hash]", with following content:

template<typename T> 
  struct hash<valarray<T>>;

Enabled if specialization hash<remove_const_t<T>> is enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Remove a paragraph from Section "20.3.5, Hash support [basic.string.hash]", with following content:

template<> struct hash<string>;
template<> struct hash<u8string>;
template<> struct hash<u16string>;
template<> struct hash<u32string>;
template<> struct hash<wstring>;
template<> struct hash<pmr::string>;
template<> struct hash<pmr::u8string>;
template<> struct hash<pmr::u16string>;
template<> struct hash<pmr::u32string>;
template<> struct hash<pmr::wstring>;

Add a new paragraph to Section "20.3.5, Hash support [basic.string.hash]", with following content:

template<typename charT, typename Allocator> 
  struct hash<basic_string<charT, char_traits<charT>, Allocator>>;

Enabled if specialization hash<remove_const_t<charT>> is enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Add a new paragraph to "21.2.1, General container requirements [container.requirements.general]", with following content:

Let X denote a container type, x denote a value of type X, TUPLE denote a tuple value of all the values of x from begin() to end() where get<i>(TUPLE) equals *advance(x.begin(), i) for any i in range [0; x.size()). For enabled specialization hash<X> the following holds: hash<X>{}(x) == hash<decltype(TUPLE)>{}(TUPLE).

3. Possible implementation

Some possible implementations can be found in Boost.Hash library.

4. References
